What is self objectification?
Gender, Body Image, Diet Culture Rachael Boyd Gender, Body Image, Diet Culture Rachael Boyd

What is self objectification?

Self objectification is looking at oneself with a view to answering the question: “Would I fuck me?”. We don’t necessarily clock ourselves doing this, but sadly, the vast majority of us exist as if a pair of critical eyes float beside us, constantly judging our fuckability on the way to the corner shop, to work, to school and even in our own homes.

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No diet New Year
Diet Culture Rachael Boyd Diet Culture Rachael Boyd

No diet New Year

Capitalism loves New Year. The more depressed and dissatisfied we are with ourselves, the more money they can make. They have become increasingly canny at luring us in with enticing deals and attractive promises, and a year like 2020, where our collective mental health has been tested more than ever, is a perfect chance for them to rake in a profit.

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Does 'obesity' increase risk of severe covid?
Diet Culture Rachael Boyd Diet Culture Rachael Boyd

Does 'obesity' increase risk of severe covid?

Aside from the questionable research, I don’t think the government realises the impact these policies are going to have on the nation’s mental health. Not only is it validating and perpetuating the eating disorder and diet mentality, but the policies seriously run the risk of pushing previously healthy people, into damaging and obsessive behaviours. Calorie counting, for example, is a CLASSIC disordered behaviour, and ‘rapid weight-loss’ (what the government have stated as their ideal outcome) won’t do ANY good to our immune systems, it will in fact make them less effective.

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Diet Culture, Body Image Rachael Boyd Diet Culture, Body Image Rachael Boyd


I would never claim that fatness was the key to health, happiness and success, because you would think that was a stupid lie, and you would be right. But the world around us claims that thinness is the key to health, happiness and success, which is similarly: a stupid lie, but we all believe it.

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Why diets don't work.
Diet Culture, Mental Health Rachael Boyd Diet Culture, Mental Health Rachael Boyd

Why diets don't work.

These plans are only lucrative because of the ongoing hatred people feel towards their bodies. It is a vicious cycle. We hate our bodies because we compare them to made up figures on our screens and adverts, we look for an external solution to sort that out, the solution sold to us doesn’t work (because it can’t), we are told that it is our fault, we villainize our bodies for its lack of cooperation, scold ourselves for our inadequacy and look for another external solution to sort our bodies out.

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Diet culture
Diet Culture Rachael Boyd Diet Culture Rachael Boyd

Diet culture

I mean, we all know what a diet is; we’ve all probably tried one, or had people around us trying to lose weight or ‘be healthy’ at some point in our lives. We’ve all heard of Weight Watchers, we’ve all seen those huge weight-loss posters in the tube with men and women telling us how much happier they are now that they have lost 3 stone in 3 weeks or something ridiculous. But sadly, diet culture is infinitely more insidious than these screaming, in-your-face examples. It is not only relevant to those who suffer from disordered eating, or even to those who have low self-esteem. It affects every single human being in the Western world. If you’re thinking ‘not me!’ - trust me, it does, subconsciously.

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