How to make life less stressful.
Society, Mental Health Rachael Boyd Society, Mental Health Rachael Boyd

How to make life less stressful.

When life is scary, uncertain and full of grey areas we can’t control, it’s easy to be tempted into trying to secure our fate by following a set out plan to a T. But (without sounding too wanky) by doing this, we run the risk of closing ourselves off from the fruits of the unknown.

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Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Mental Health Rachael Boyd Mental Health Rachael Boyd

Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Using the word ‘competitive’ to describe an illness is pretty counter-intuitive, I know. I can’t offer solid evidence, but I highly doubt that those with cancer desire to be the sickest cancer patient on their ward, to have gone through the most treatment, or have the worst prognosis, but, eating disorders (EDs) are grossly competitive.

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Why diets don't work.
Diet Culture, Mental Health Rachael Boyd Diet Culture, Mental Health Rachael Boyd

Why diets don't work.

These plans are only lucrative because of the ongoing hatred people feel towards their bodies. It is a vicious cycle. We hate our bodies because we compare them to made up figures on our screens and adverts, we look for an external solution to sort that out, the solution sold to us doesn’t work (because it can’t), we are told that it is our fault, we villainize our bodies for its lack of cooperation, scold ourselves for our inadequacy and look for another external solution to sort our bodies out.

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