How to make life less stressful.
Society, Mental Health Rachael Boyd Society, Mental Health Rachael Boyd

How to make life less stressful.

When life is scary, uncertain and full of grey areas we can’t control, it’s easy to be tempted into trying to secure our fate by following a set out plan to a T. But (without sounding too wanky) by doing this, we run the risk of closing ourselves off from the fruits of the unknown.

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How to be a natural Kim Kardashian
Body Image, Gender Rachael Boyd Body Image, Gender Rachael Boyd

How to be a natural Kim Kardashian

In Year 6, I was told my hips will get wider, my boobs will get rounder, and at some point along the way, blood will start pouring out of my fanny. This, understandably, left my knowledge of pubescent physiological changes as far reaching as a gradual transition into a natural Kim Kardashian, and a rendition of Saw IV in my pants.

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What is self objectification?
Gender, Body Image, Diet Culture Rachael Boyd Gender, Body Image, Diet Culture Rachael Boyd

What is self objectification?

Self objectification is looking at oneself with a view to answering the question: “Would I fuck me?”. We don’t necessarily clock ourselves doing this, but sadly, the vast majority of us exist as if a pair of critical eyes float beside us, constantly judging our fuckability on the way to the corner shop, to work, to school and even in our own homes.

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Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Mental Health Rachael Boyd Mental Health Rachael Boyd

Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Using the word ‘competitive’ to describe an illness is pretty counter-intuitive, I know. I can’t offer solid evidence, but I highly doubt that those with cancer desire to be the sickest cancer patient on their ward, to have gone through the most treatment, or have the worst prognosis, but, eating disorders (EDs) are grossly competitive.

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No diet New Year
Diet Culture Rachael Boyd Diet Culture Rachael Boyd

No diet New Year

Capitalism loves New Year. The more depressed and dissatisfied we are with ourselves, the more money they can make. They have become increasingly canny at luring us in with enticing deals and attractive promises, and a year like 2020, where our collective mental health has been tested more than ever, is a perfect chance for them to rake in a profit.

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